Shock and Awww, Tips, Work and a Holiday Wish…
Friends and colleagues, I did it again. I rendered an entire room of people speechless. Was it my boyish good looks, you ask? No, not that. One of my daughters once described me as a “turd with hair.” So was it
Failure is good! Tips, Work and an Election Prediction
Friends and Colleagues, We have failed. A lot. More than you. A lot more. Sometimes comically, but luckily, not tragically. You’re welcome. “Hey, Bower,” you ask, “why should I be grateful to a cad like you and your gaggle of so-called archers?”
You Want to Beat Me Like…Tips, News and You Know What You Did
Friends and colleagues, I reckon if you had the chance you’d beat me like a rented mule’s red-haired step-mule. Why? Because like me, you’re either a marketer or you’re directly involved in marketing and selling and you and I, more than other
You are Wonderful and In Danger; Tips and Topics, News and the “F” word
Friends and colleagues, You are uncommonly good people. I’d bet you donate anonymously, practice random acts of kindness and share your wisdom with troubled youth. You are fit, well-read and breezily funny. But there are storm clouds on the horizon. Unforeseen
I’m a _ _ _ _, Tips, News and Giving Back
Friends and colleagues, Sometimes you have to be a jerk. You have to be the one who not only tells the emperor he’s nude, but that he really needs to get to the gym. In our world it means we need
Shower of Babel, Tips, News and That Cool Hat I Owe You
Friends and colleagues, A business development manager recently emailed me about “a new kind of DMP operating entirely in the Cloud.” This was curious to me since I know the company’s founders and they are in fact running a fledgling software
Hairlessness, Tips and N__e Photos
Friends and colleagues, I recently shaved my eyebrows off. I also cut arrow-shaped patterns into my hair. Google told me to do it. Now I am sleek and easy to find in a crowd. As you’ve likely guessed, this ridiculous prevarication is
Robot Takeover, Tips, News and a Warning
Friends and colleagues, It happened, people, twice. I was actually asked if a marketing automation system did, you know, the marketing. Did "it" plan campaigns, develop creative, deploy said words, pictures and video and work with "the Google" to make it
N_ked Truths, Six Tips and News
Friends and colleagues, With over 200 menu items, the average time to order at a Cheesecake Factory is almost 2.5x that of other upscale casual restaurants. Why? The paradox of choice. When faced with too many options, many of them good,
Why you’re so lucky, Tips, Mini-Case Study and News
Friends and colleagues, You are among the luckiest people I know. You are marketers. You are artists, statisticians, technologists, anthropologists, therapists (if you work with “creative” people…) and more. But you may also feel like hunted prey. The advent of “native”